PDF: Gould, Allan: Galactic History Source: exopoliticshongkong.com
PDF: Potter, Robert: The Cosmic Plan Source: thepromiserevealed.com
PDF: Antares, Ishtar: Plan Aurora Source: luisprada.com
PDF: Royal, Lyssa: Early Earth Histoy Source: lyssaroyal.com
PDF: Royal, Lyssa: ETs and Ancient Civilizations Source: lyssaroyal.com
PDF: Antares, Ishtar: Articles Source: aurora2012.net
PDF: Cassidy, Kerry: Black Projects - Follow the Money Source: projectcamelot.org
PDF: Potter, Robert: Interview with Rob Potter by Alexandra Meadors Source: galacticconnection.com
PDF: Salla, Michael E.: Extraterrestrials Among Us Source: exopoliticsjournal.com
PDF: Diaz, Carlos.: Carlos Diaz - UFO Abductee Source: ufouk.com
PDF: Rasinova, Dana: The Analysis: Why Billy Meier’s Pleiadians lie and disinform Source:exopoliticsjournal.com
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